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Short Course

Improvisational Level 2: Confessing, Endowing and History (Feb-Mar 24)

17 Feb - 23 Mar 24 | The Questors Theatre


Short Course

Improvisational Level 2: Confessing, Endowing and History (Feb-Mar 24)

Questors Academy

When we woke up this morning, nobody handed us a script...

LEVEL 2 -  Confessing, Endowing and History

This is the next step, and anyone who’s done level 1, or already knows the basic ‘rules’ of Improv: ‘Yes, and…’ etc., is most welcome. Utilising these skills, we will find more humour, more drama, and more emotionally charged scenes and formats including:

  • Make scenes interesting by Confessing, Endowing & adding History in a relationship.
  • New Exercises and Group Games

There will also be the option to perform in a showcase to friends and family at the end of the final class. 

Who teaches this course?

Ant Griffith has completed Questor's Foundation and Advanced Performance courses as well as graduating in Foundations of Acting at Mountview Drama School. He has studied improvisation at The Free Association, Hoopla, The Nursery and The Maydays under Suki Webster, Josie Lawrence, Katy Schutte & Maria Peters, and is the founder and tutor of the Questors home improv team The Slack Captains. He is also a musician and songwriter, with several songs in the movie 'The Girl with a Clock for a Heart' directed by Daniel Barber, currently in pre-production.

Course dates: 17th February to 23rd March

Saturdays 5:15pm to 7:15pm
6 weeks

Course fee:
£90 (Season Pass) / £120 (Non-members)

Tutor: Ant Griffith

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The Questors Limited, a charitable company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England and Wales no 469253. Registered charity no 207516.
Registered office: 12 Mattock Lane, London W5 5BQ.
Little Theatre Guild Creative Ealing RSC New Stages