Susan Hamlyn will offer three days on Voice in August
On the 6 August:
The first day will focus on ideas to do with the voice – its individuality, its importance e.g. on the telephone, on the radio and its importance to us in our relationships. We will then consider the word – voice - and the many words related to it and their meanings and uses. We will then read a mix of pieces to consider the way writers – of poetry, prose and drama – use voice to convey character. Reading matter will be provided.
On the 13 August:
The second day will look at some of the ways actors exercise and look after their voices. We will do some of the vocal practices they do! We will then look at how the way a voice can make a line from a play transmits a huge range of different meanings. We will then spend some time looking at how Shakespeare used voices to create character and at how a range of voices interpret one of his most famous speeches. Finally, we will enjoy a mix of voices created by different writers through the ages. Reading matter will be provided.
On the 14 August:
Under Milk Wood's subtitle is A Play for Voices. This aspect of this, most famous, radio play is not often examined and, in fact, a staged production of the play is coming to The QT this autumn. We will read and discuss the play, with the emphasis on it as a play for voices in Susan's third Study Day. Participants will need to bring their own copy of the play. There are many second-hand copies available on eBay etc.
Study Day fee – £45.00 per day
Dates: Wednesday 6, 13 & 14 August
Time: 10:00am-3:30 pm
Booking is not avalible via the website, please send any queries about booking to:
All the Study Days stand alone and everyone is welcome. Age advisory: 16+